If you've got in mind an ideal customer, then it makes it a lot easier to market to them. You know where they will be, who their friends are (recommendations are a wonderful currency) and what they will want to buy.
You will also know their budgets and price points. This is a really important trick that a lot of small businesses miss.
They work out what they want to sell, rather than what their customer wants to buy.
Examples are (yes, these are stereotypes, please excuse that for illustration purposes!)
If you don't offer them a product for their wishes, then they won't buy from you. But that means that they aren't your ideal customer.
Go back to your ideal customer and work out what they will want to buy. If you sell other products (or want to) work out who the ideal customers for those will be.
Would you want a customer that didn't fit into the definition of being 'ideal'