Week 3 of #flowerfarmerama

sweet pea seedlings heated.jpg

Week 3 Your plants  - what are you growing?

Sighs of relief from across the land as flower growers can start to talk about their plants, rather than themselves.

Here are your prompts for this week coming up

13th January - Fabulous combos - what goes really well together? Show your customers your favourite combinations, let them know how they come about, reassure them that you can provide an amazing array to satisfy their needs

14th January - What can you see? - What’s your viewpoint? is a view? a close up? a person? a project- your choice, show your customers how you see what you’re doing

15th January - What plant are you most looking forward to growing / using this season? - Whether you’ve grown it before or for the first time, this is your opportunity to create a market for the plants you’re going to have available later in the year.

16th January - Tools. The most useful or the most used. Whether it’s a hand tool, machinery or a gadget, let your customers in on the tools that you use to flower farm.

17th January - Favourite seeds - I think most flower farmers have a lot of packets of seeds just waiting to go, which one is your favourite and why?

18th January - Show us your workshop/workspace! - Behind the scenes, tidy organised, or well worn. Let your customers see where you’ll be cutting storing and floristing your flowers!

19th January - What is your favourite aspect of flower growing? Let your customers know what makes you tick and what you enjoy the most.