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Social Media Challenge January 2021

It’s Winter for the Northern Hemisphere, it’s cold and dark here in the UK and we’ll be very pleased to say goodbye to 2020. To get the New Year off to a good start, we’re running our #flowerfarmerama challenge in January! It’s the ideal time for us all to promote our businesses and a great month to tell the story of what we do, using pictures from the whole year to engage our customers, potential customers and influencers with our work. 

To make it easier, here at the Business of Selling Flowers, we’ve come up with a list of prompts to kick start your marketing for the season. Last year, we did one for each day throughout January, but this time we’re taking it a little bit easier with 5 a week, allowing you the weekend off and the chance to catch up before the next list starts. They will help you to tell your own story, and engage with those that will help your business to thrive in 2020. We all have a different tale to tell, with hugely varied businesses, markets and customers. 

Your customers will really enjoy finding out what makes a flower farmer work, what you can offer them later in the year, and your individual approaches to the challenges of living from what you can bring from the earth.

Here’s the complete list of prompts. We’ll be reminding you each day of them via the Instagram account @businessofflowers, and the Facebook page and we’ll also post more detailed information for you on this blog each week.

Week 1: You and Your Business

1 -Who are you?

2 -A day in your life

3 -How did you get here

4 - Your biggest compliment of 2020

5- What did you learn about yourself from 2020

Week 2: Your Customers and those you work with

6 - Who do you love to work with

7 - Who is on your team?

8- Who/what keeps you company when you’re working? Your favourite wildlife visitor

9 - How can your customers find you?

10 - Who inspires you?

Week 3: Your Plants - what are you growing?

11 Specialities?

12- Your personal favourite

13 - What plant are you most looking forward to growing / using this season?

14 - What would you like customers to ask for?

15- The plant that has a special meaning for you

Week 4: Your Flowers - and plans for them in 2021

16 - What do you sell? and who to? -

17 - When do you hope to be open for the public to see your flowers in 2021?

18 - Your Top tip for those using your flowers this year

19 - How will you increase your sustainability this year?

20- Tell us again who you are , and why customers should buy flowers from you

If you want more info about hashtags, plus some suggestions for relevant ones to use on social media, have a look at this blog