Over the last few years, i’ve really learned who i like working with…
I’ve learned the type of customer who i’ll get on with and who will love what i do.
These are the customers who i’ll want to work hard for, give that little bit extra for, seek the total perfection for. These are the customers that it is a Joy to work with, that i’ll be thinking of when a new flower comes out that I know they’ll like. the customers who will make me smile when i see i’ve got a message or email from, not worry or think “what do they want?”
This week’s customers have all been in that category, and i’ve realised that it’s because they have all
Known what they wanted
Trusted me to give them what they want
Arrived when they say they will, or told me unambiguously when i need to be with them
Paid on time
Usually these kind of customers are also the ones that also recommend you to others.
So wether it’s been for funeral flowers, for flower arrangers buckets, for event flowers, talks and workshops or for my florists, thank you to all my customers this week, you’ve all been excellent customers, and it’s made my life easy and rewarding.